- CNN Political Ticker:
"Leahy added, 'The attorney general said, 'Well, there are some staff people or lower level people -- I am not sure whether I want to allow them to testify or not.' I said, 'Frankly, Mr. Attorney General, it's not your decision, it's mine and the committee's.' We will have some subpoenas"
Blitzer: "But is there anything illegal in putting one of Karl Rove’s associates in and making him U.S. attorney in Arkansas?"
Leahy: "There is nothing illegal in a President firing, by itself, in firing a US attorney, what it does is it say, however, to law enforcement: you either play by our political rules, by our political rules, not by law enforcement rules, but by our political rules or you’re out of a job. What I am saying is that hurts law enforcement, that hurts fighting against crime and if it is done to stop an ongoing investigation - this is something we don’t know - if it is done to stop an ongoing investigation, then you do get into the criminal area."

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