Thursday, June 14, 2007


Daily Kos, Devilstower

If any politician was to say this, how would the Wingnutosphere react?

The endgame in Iraq is now clear. We ought to start coming to grips with the meaning of losing in Iraq.


Were our founding fathers here, they would surely look on Iraq with horror and judge that the nation they created had fundamentally lost its way. If the war in Iraq leads the United States to return to its traditional, restrained grand strategy, then perhaps the whole experience will not have been in vain.


The American people seem to understand, however -- and historians will certainly agree -- that the war itself was a catastrophic mistake. It was a faulty grand strategy, not poor implementation.

It's a trick question, of course. If the speaker had a "D" after his or her name, the screams would rise into a range beyond the hearing of bats. If it was a Republican, the crickets would chirp on undisturbed.

But in this case, the speaker is Christopher Fettweis, a professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College. Unlike so many, Fettweis is not blind to how the US is throwing away lives in a pointless effort to save face.

Once support for a war is lost, it is gone for good; there is no example of a modern democracy having changed its mind once it turned against a war. So we ought to start coming to grips with the meaning of losing in Iraq.

The big concern now is how Iraq will affect the nation in years to come. What kind of problems does the professor predict as we struggle to admit the monstrous error in Iraq? You need only to look at today's events for perfect examples.

The consequences are likely to be profound, throwing American politics into a downward spiral of bitter recriminations the likes of which it has not seen in a generation.

Follow the link and read it all. Iraq was a war that didn't have to be. Now its going to take a massive effort to avoid another war at home.

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