Monday, December 31, 2007


Debatepedia is a wiki project of the International Debate Education Association (IDEA) and Georgetown University students and alumni with the mission to act as the "Wikipedia of debate and deliberation". It improves your ability to think through the complicated issues and debates you care about, take a confident stand, and take action as a citizen. An important way to take action is by participating as an editor on the site, where you can create new debates, build and organize pro and con arguments, and present supporting evidence (quotes, studies, links) from your readings all so that you can better deliberate. Your efforts, in turn, will also improve the ability of a wide audience of citizens, leaders, and decision-makers to deliberate and draw reasoned conclusions. As such, we believe Debatepedia will help fix an apparent deficit of balanced reasoning and deliberation within the public and among leaders today. Get started Debatepedia is endorsed by the United States' National Forensic League.

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