
Colbert, who spoke in the guise of his talk show character, who ostensibly supports the president strongly, urged Bush to ignore his low approval ratings, saying they were based on reality, "and reality has a well-known liberal bias."
Read the transcript.
Slate: The Truthiness Hurts.
CNN Lou Dobbs: more reaction.
5/10/06 William Rivers Pitt & Richard Cohen
5/11/06 HuffPo:
"He walked up to that podium a basic cable cult figure, and came back a political comedy legend"5/11/06 jang, geebus, uthboy exchange
Thank you Stephen Colbert! (the geebus 5/3/06)
1/19/07 singe don't burn (binge don't surge?)
and Harry Taylor: speaking truth to power!
4.19.2007 colbert, josh marshall, john kerry
. . .. ... .. . .
3.13.2009 good times andrew sullivan
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