Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Andrew Sullivan on Karl Rove

The Daily Dish

The right has long sought to portray Karl Rove as a genius; and the paranoid left has been only too happy to go along. Andrew Sullivan's view is that he's always been a dreadful political strategist:
Rove has destroyed the Republicans' advantage on fiscal issues for a generation. By harnessing the GOP to religious fundamentalism, he has all but lost the center and independents; and by relying exclusively on that base, he is also alienating Hispanics on the immigration issue. His decision to ignore Iraq and go for an incoherent social security reform last year was another massive miscalculation. Yes, he can whip up hysteria against already-disliked minorities for short-term gain. But anyone with no scruples or conscience can do that. As for communicating the Bush message: Rove's tenure has been marked by some of the worst p.r. I've yet seen from a White House. So, yeah. Rove is a terrible political guru.

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